Issue Position: Second Amendment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014
Issues: Guns

"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." -- Second Amendment, Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution

Really, how could it be simpler than this when it comes to spelling out the rights of ownership and privacy we hold true as Americans?

Quite frankly, why are our elected leaders even talking about the Second Amendment AGAIN? The Constitution is clear on the matter. The Supreme Court has been clear on the matter in the Heller case. We the People have been clear on the matter.

Is it really the most pressing issue of our day? What about unemployment or skyrocketing food and gas prices or RISING Obamacare costs? What about things Americans really care about?

Why is the one civil right that ensures our personal independence through individual security always up for grabs? Why are we required to register weapons in some states or pay for conceal carry licenses in others to exercise a clearly stated right? Our Founders understood that the only "concealed carry" license necessary in a free state is the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Why can't we?

I think every American should be armed -- to protect our families and neighbors and nation like responsible citizens. That's why the Amendment exists. An armed society is a polite society. Bad people look for soft targets, not armed ones.

We're currently facing attacks on our Constitutional freedoms from every angle. It's up to us to protect those rights.

Every time we turn around, we're hit with firearm fees, restrictions and regulations that constitute the very definition of infringement. And international agreements that clearly encroach on our sovereign organizing principles.

Mr. Kerry says the UN Treaty will keep Americans safe and keep America strong. Funny, that's exactly what our founders said about Second Amendment rights in our Constitution. He says the treaty will stop illegal arms from entering war-torn nations. Fat chance.

What it will do is establish the first step towards a slide into gun registries, firearm and ammunition price inflation, confiscations; and at the end of the day; snowballing gun control laws designed to enact zero firearm ownership. Just like Europe has.

Where are our good Republicans and Second Amendment-supporting Democrats to fight for our rights? And where is Jeff the Lap Dog Miller? Helping his bosses continue to perpetuate the smoke and mirror shows that distract us while they take away our freedoms? Why is it we never hear anything from a guy whose been a part of breaking our Republican party and our Nation and spying on us instead of the enemy?

Why aren't other political leaders taking a stance against these Constitutional violations?
When will the Federal government understand they're elected to do the bidding of We the People: not the other way around. Why do they continue to punish the people who are paying their fat salaries and benefits? Simply put keep your hands off the Second Amendment and give us back our ammo.

It's time to vote into office someone with the backbone to stand up and give us a voice -- not a re-elected lobbyist who lines his pockets doing the will of his master instead of the people. You really want a voice in District 1? Then you have a choice in 2014.

We can only change Washington by one voice and one vote in the House of Representatives, but first we need somebody up there who will vote the way District 1 one wants their elected representative to vote.

I will never tell people I'm doing what's best for them; I'll do what they tell me is right for them. And taking our guns is not right for us.
