Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

Every American should be able to obtain affordable, comprehensive health coverage. Heidi believes that no person should be afraid to seek medical care because doing so could ruin them financially.


There is a large difference between doing something and doing the right thing. Obamacare works towards a goal that Heidi supports, but there are aspects of it that were very troubling. For example, the bill included a tax on medical devices that puts a new burden on the elderly and disabled. Heidi will proudly join the bipartisan effort to repeal that tax, and continue looking for ways to make the law work better for American families.

Social Security and Medicare

The basis of the Social Security and Medicare programs--two of the most popular and successful programs in American history--is that every American should know that a lifetime of work can result in a comfortable retirement. These programs are a promise we made to seniors who paid into them for decades, and Heidi will not accept any budget or reform that denies them the benefits they've earned.

We need to strengthen these programs. In Congress, Heidi will vote to eliminate the cap on payroll taxes for incomes of over $500,000, to ensure that these programs remain solvent and that working families can be confident in the knowledge that Social Security and Medicare will still be around for decades to come.
