Issue Position: Populist Caucus

Issue Position

Populist Caucus: Strengthening the Middle Class

The middle class is the economic engine of America. Unfortunately, it has seen tough economic times lately, and it's time for a renewed emphasis on those issues that serve to strengthen the middle class and improve the lives of working families. That's why I established the Populist Caucus to focus exclusively on these types of issues. We invite you to join us in our efforts to fight for working families and the middle class.

Populist Caucus Platform

Fighting for working families and the middle class by creating and retaining good-paying jobs in America, providing fair wages, proper benefits, a level playing field at the negotiating table, and ensuring American workers have secure, solvent retirement plans.
Cutting taxes for the middle class and establishing an equitable tax structure.
Providing affordable, accessible, quality health care for all Americans.
Ensuring quality primary education for all American children, and affordable college education for all who want it.
Defending American competiveness by fighting for fair trade principles.
Protecting consumers, so that Americans can have faith in the safety and effectiveness of the products they purchase
