Food and Drug Administration Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014

Floor Speech

By: Sam Farr
By: Sam Farr
Date: Oct. 7, 2013
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, doesn't this bill before us fund a portion of the Federal Government?

My motion to recommit would open the entire Federal Government so that all the consumer protections that our Nation provides are guaranteed. We need to open up not just food safety, but we also need to open up the Centers for Disease Control. We need to open up consumer hotlines. Can the Chair explain why it is not germane to open up all the Nation's consumer protections?

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the gentleman have argument confined to the point of order?

Mr. FARR. Last Saturday, we agreed to pay our workers furloughed during the shutdown. I supported that bill. But what sense does it make to have workers paid to sit at home and not be able to do their jobs? What kind of strange House is this that would force this situation on our fellow workers? You've got to sit at home, but don't worry, you'll get paid?

Mr. Speaker, if you rule this motion out of order, does that mean we will not have a chance to keep the entire Federal Government open today? Can the Chair please explain why we can't keep the entire Federal Government open tonight, now?

