Issue Position: Promoting Equality for All

Issue Position

I cherish my marriage and my family over all else and I cannot imagine the government taking that right away from me. There is no excuse to discriminate against Virginians based on whom they love or to stigmatize the children of same-sex couples as unequal because their parents cannot marry.

I recently met with a constituent who broke down in tears because his gay son's love would be treated as second-class. This inequality and callousness must end. That is why I will continue to fight to ensure that all Virginians will be treated equally and fairly under the law.

The Supreme Court made the right decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). I believe that it unfairly discriminated against millions of Americans and the court was correct to rule it unconstitutional. As your Lt. Governor I will put a stop to the divisive agenda that has derailed Virginia from moving forward.
