US News - Steve King: Obama's Benghazi Cover-Up Is Worse Than Watergate


Date: May 17, 2013

By Rep Steve King

These words, "third-rate burglary attempt," were uttered by Nixon White House Press Secretary Ron Ziegler as he described the June 17, 1972 Watergate break-in. He also told reporters, "Certain elements may try to stretch this beyond what it is." As time would tell, the attempted robbery of the Democratic National Committee Headquarters was much more then it appeared.

Last week, Ziegler's Obama counterpart, Jay Carney, said there was only one change made to the Benghazi talking points and that it was a "stylistic change." A stylistic change? In reality there were 12 drafts until a watered down, finalized version was given to United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice for her Sunday show interviews. As time would tell, the terrorist attack that killed four Americans was much more than a spontaneous protest over a YouTube video.

The Obama administration's cover-up of the September 11, 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack surpasses Watergate.

The Watergate scandal started as a burglary, and Nixon's presidency unraveled from June 17, 1972 until his resignation on August 9, 1974. This week, the Obama administration's own exposure has accelerated. Jonathan Karl of ABC News pressed Carney, "Is it a stylistic change to take out all references to all previous terror threats in Benghazi?"

The American people deserve answers from their president. What was the exact timeline of the events in Libya? What exactly happened in the situation room? What orders, if any, did the president give? What time did the president go to bed that night? What can be learned from the autopsy report of Ambassador Stevens? Who had custody of the bodies of our four Americans?

President Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other top administration officials willfully and deliberately perpetrated a false story to the American public. The Benghazi cover-up was likely motivated by the election, but has the feel of Watergate with Iran-Contra undertones. Justice needs to be served for the four Americans who lost their lives on September 11, 2012. Once again this administration is pointing fingers and trying to run out the clock blaming anyone but themselves.

Tragically, this presidential scandal involves a plot to assassinate our ambassador by military attack- an act of war - not a "third-rate burglary." American security, diplomatic relations and American world influence are at stake. When the President of the United States uses the full faith and credit of his office to misinform the American people, we demand the full truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
