Letter to Persecuted Gun Makers - Come Home to Texas!


Date: April 5, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Guns

Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas 36) released the following open letter Friday to all gun manufacturers, and owners, persecuted by radical anti-gun legislators in their states:

Attention all persecuted gun owners and unwanted manufacturers,

This is an open letter to invite all to the 36th Congressional District of Texas.

Recent draconian gun legislation passed in Colorado, Connecticut and Maryland has made those states unfriendly to law abiding gun owners, weapons manufactures, and weapons parts manufactures. These states have proven they do not value those who obey the law and pump millions of dollars into local economies. This is not the way for government to treat people.

Come to Texas!!! The state which believes the whole Bill of Rights should be followed, not just the "politically correct" parts. Your rights will not be infringed upon here, unlike many current local regimes.

Texas is the number one state in the nation for job growth because we know how to treat job creators. With no state income tax, abundant natural resources and ease of access to shipping ports, Texas is the ideal place for relocation.

Magpul, HiViz, Beretta, and Colt, your businesses are welcomed with open arms in the 36th District of Texas.

Warmest wishes,

Steve Stockman
U.S. Representative
36th District of Texas
