The Republican Budget

Floor Speech

Date: March 20, 2013
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. FOXX. Every American family and small business knows that budgets have to be balanced to be sustainable. For years, though, Washington hasn't been balancing its budget. The Senate hasn't even be passing them. House Republicans have had enough of this ``Washington exceptionalism.'' We've introduced a budget for the Federal Government that will balance in just 10 years.

Budgets reveal priorities, and House Republicans have revealed ours. We want to build a stronger, more prosperous future for this generation and the next. We want to protect the promise of Medicare, guarantee accountability for the use of taxpayer dollars, preserve personal freedoms, and pursue commonsense governance. The American people deserve this, and so we've offered a balanced budget that encourages growth and opportunity for all while paving the way for the country to get out of debt.

Will the President follow our lead and submit a budget that balances?

