Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions - S 1394

Date: July 11, 2003
Location: Washington, DC


By Mr. HARKIN (for himself, Mr. Smith, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Lautenberg, and Mr. Kerry):

    S. 1394. A bill to establish a demonstration project under the medicaid program to encourage the provision of community-based services to individuals with disabilities; to the Committee on Finance.

    Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, today, Senator SMITH and I and others introduce the Money Follows the Person Act of 2003. This legislation is needed to truly bring people with disabilities and older Americans into the mainstream of society and provide equal opportunity for employment and community activities.

    In order to work or live in their own homes, Americans with Disabilities and older Americans need access to community-based services and supports. Unfortunately, under current Federal Medicaid policy, the deck is stacked in favor of living in an institution. The purpose of our bill is to level the playing field and give eligible individuals equal access to community-based services and supports.

    Under our legislation, the Medicaid money paid by States and the Federal Government would follow the person with a disability from an institution into the community. This legislation provides 100 percent Federal reimbursement for the community services that an individual needs during the first year that they move out of an institution or nursing home. By fully reimbursing the States, it gives them some additional resources to allow people with disabilities and older Americans to choose to live in the community.

    President Bush first proposed the Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Initiative in his FY '04 budget and indicated that the demonstration project would provide full Federal reimbursement for community services for the first year that an individual moves out of an institution or nursing home. As of this date, the administration has not suggested legislative language to Congress or provided specific details regarding the implementation of the proposal. Working with the disability community, we have drafted this legislation and look forward to working with the administration and our colleagues to enact the Money Follows the Person concept into law.

    We have a Medicaid system in this country that is spending 70 percent of its dollars on institutional care and only 30 percent on community services. This bill is an important step toward switching those numbers around.

    It is shameful that our Federal dollars are being spent to segregate people, not integrate them. It has been 13 years since we passed the Americans with Disabilities Act, which said no to segregation. But our Medicaid program says yes and we need to change it. This is the next civil rights battle. If we really meant what we said in the ADA in 1990, we should enact this legislation.

    The civil right of a person with a disability to be integrated into his or her community should not depend on his or her address. In Olmstead v. LC, the Supreme Court recognized that needless institutionalization is a form of discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act. We in Congress have a responsibility to help States meet their obligations under Olmstead. An individual should not be asked to move to another state in order to avoid needless segration. They also should not be moved away from family and friends because their only choice is an institution.

    For example, I know a young man in Iowa, Ken Kendall, who is currently living in a nursing home because he cannot access home and community based care. Ken was injured in a serious accident at the age of 17 and sustained a spinal chord injury. With the help of community based services covered by his insurance company, Ken could live in his home in Iowa City. Remaining independent made a tremendous difference in his life.

    However, several years ago, Ken lost his health insurance and after a time, he went onto Medicaid. As a Medicaid recipient, Ken was only given the option to live in a nursing home in Waterloo almost 2 hours from his friends and family in Iowa City. In the nursing home, Ken has become isolated. He is very far from his family and friends and does not have access to transportation. He had not been to a restaurant or a movie since he moved to the nursing home over 2 years ago. His life has dramatically changed from when he lived in his own apartment and hired his own attendants to care for him.

    Recently Ken wrote to me that he finally went to dinner and a movie for his 30th birthday. He said "I was almost in tears. I felt like I had a real life again."

    This bill would give people like Ken a real life and not just on their birthdays. People like Ken should not have to continue waiting to be able to live in the community and enjoy the opportunities that other Americans take for granted.

    Federal Medicaid policy should reflect the consensus reached in the ADA that Americans with Disabilities should have equal opportunity to contribute to our communities and participate in our society as full citizens. That means no one has to sacrifice their full participation in society because they need help getting out of the house in the morning or assistance with personal care or some other basic service.

    This bill will open the door to full participation by people with disabilities and older Americans in our neighborhoods, our communities, our workplaces, and our American Dream, and I urge all my colleagues to support us on this issue. I want to thank Senator SMITH for his commitment to improving access to home and community based services for people with disabilities. I would also like to thank Senators KENNEDY, LAUTENBERG and KERRY for joining me in this important initiative.

    I ask unanimous consent that the text of the bill be printed in the RECORD.
