Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

My highest priority is to bring more jobs to New Mexico and maintain the jobs that we have. Our fragile economy is starting to grow, but there are too many New Mexicans struggling through no fault of their own. I believe we can improve the economy and the jobless numbers, by simply lifting job-killing regulations off of small businesses. 
Politicians do not and I mean do not create jobs. They just help create a job friendly environment for businesses to create jobs.

Working Americans rely less on government services, buy more -- which helps the economy -- and pay taxes, lowering the financial burden for all.

I will work through the gridlock that politicians have put into place. We have a state that has laid too many burdens on employers and small business owners. I will work to lift these unnecessary burdens and businesses will be able to start hiring. I will support policies that will boost economic growth on Main Street and I will push to make NM a Right to Work State.
