Issue Position: My Pledge to You

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

I WILL help Wichita and South Central Kansas secure a higher profile in Topeka.

We need to be heard - The people of the 29th district need a stronger voice in the legislature
We can not be underestimated - The people of the 29th district greatly contribute to our state's economy and to our local workforce
We need to be at the bargaining table - My public and political relationships will be used to lead from a position of power; to gain access to resources previously unattainable for our community

I WILL lead economic development and empowerment efforts

I will implement tax policies that favor job and business growth
I will find creative ways to increase our community assets and worth
I will support entrepreneurs with access to resources and opportunities
I will encourage public/private partnerships to grow and retain community wealth
I will make training and workforce development a priority

I WILL bring Government to the People

I will create a Senate Advisory Board comprised of business owners, community and faith leaders, concerned citizens, the youth, and our precious seniors
I will utilize a true interactive web-site for two-way internet and newsletter communications
I will consistently publish and distribute a 29th District newsletter for all who prefer to receive their information by postal mail
I will maintain an accessible local office; maintaining consistent office hours when not in session for your convenience.
I will establish a toll-free number where I can be accessed and contacted

I WILL celebrate our common values

I will promote policies to lessen health disparities and increase health access for minorities
I will support initiatives that help to sustain the family and all the residents of the 29th district
I will herald the accomplishments of the 29th district throughout the state of Kansas
I will continue my involvement at the local grassroots level.
