Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

The number one issue facing Americans in 2012 is jobs. In Arizona, CEO's made record amounts of money in 2009, and then made more in 2010. At the same time, the middle class lost jobs and earned less. This kind of disparity needs resolve.

In 2011, Arizona republican lawmakers gave away $538 million dollars to corporations who are already profiting. They did this with no guarantee of creating jobs. They, to include Senator Gail Griffin, Representative David Gowan, and Representative David Stevens, rejected the idea of tying in actual job growth to the state in return for corporate tax breaks. The likely outcome of this measure will be reduced revenue for the state, which will mean further cuts to education and other state services. In order to generate revenue, cities will have to raise education money by placing the burden on the homeowner.

Arizona deserves leadership, who put people first and put forth bills that actually create jobs instead of generating excess wealth for the already rich. I believe a graduated corporate tax rate would benefit small business growth. Many states use this system very effectively to allow small businesses the ability to grow; by not being weighted down by corporate taxes that consume small business profits.

Arizona lawmakers are not genuine in their pursuit to create jobs. They are purely masking a corporate gift as a jobs bill. The people of Arizona need stable jobs and leaders who will not bow to the greed, but will hold corporations accountable for their action or inaction to create jobs.
