Issue Position: National Debt

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

America is being consumed by debt. When Congressman Ron Paul introduced House Bill 1207 to audit the Federal Reserve in early 2010, the national debt stood at $11 Trillion. Today, thanks in no small part to the Fed's "Quantitative easing," the debt is approaching $17 Trillion--a 55% increase in under three years. We still have not audited the Fed.

Our debt is now greater than America's entire Gross Domestic Product, the total value of all goods and services produced in this country in a single year. With the Fed printing money, and the current administration spending our grandchildren's wealth, we are heading into a crisis that will make the 2008 Recession look like a day at the beach. The catastrophe occurring in Greece right now is a warning about where America could be in the next eight years.

We cannot spend or "stimulate" our way back to prosperity. We already know that no miraculous "shovel-ready jobs" are going to put Americans back to work, and we certainly have learned that government money doled out to special interests will not solve our financial problems.

Delaware needs a Congressman who is serious about reducing the size and scope of government. We have to eliminate wasteful bureaucracies like the US Department of Education, while at the same time getting government out of the way of the businesses who can put Americans back to work. Decreasing spending while growing the tax base is the only way to get out of this mess.
