Issue Position: Strengthening Social Security

Issue Position

Dr. Gill believes that Social Security benefits are a sacred promise the U.S. government has made to each and every American who pays into the system. It needs to be strengthened and protected for future generations, not opened up to risky Wall Street investment schemes. David Gill will work to stop the DC politicians from using Social Security as a slush fund to cover spending on other programs. David knows we must ensure the Social Security system's solvency for generations and demand that the Social Security Trust Fund is repaid for the funds that have been borrowed from it over decades of surpluses.

One of Social Security's greatest strengths is that it's financed through a dedicated revenue stream and is self-funding. Social Security has not added one penny to our national debt and proposals that try to use the Social Security system to solve some of our budget problems need to be called out for the scams that they are and stopped.
