Repealing Health Care Reforms with Republican Death Panels

Floor Speech

Date: July 10, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I have 1 minute, so I'll have to go fast. Here are the top 10 reforms the Republicans want to repeal with their death panels tomorrow:

Discounts on prescription drugs, saving seniors $600 a year; parents offering health care coverage to their children up to age 26; lower premiums as a result of the health care exchanges; protections from bankruptcy in the event of a catastrophic illness; free preventative screening and wellness visits every year; reforms strengthening Medicare Advantage, resulting in a 7 percent drop in premiums for the first time ever and a 10 percent increase in enrollment; $151 in average rebates this year alone from insurance companies to consumers all over the country; protections from having coverage rescinded arbitrarily by insurance bureaucrats; tax credits for small businesses to help defray the costs of offering coverage to their employees; and, finally, guaranteed medical coverage even if you, in America, discover you have a preexisting condition.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us not repeal these reforms with Republican death panels.
