Governor's Weekly Web Message: The Power of Your One Vote

Date: Oct. 18, 2004
Issues: Immigration

Today I am inaugurating a new monthly column for more that 700 ethnic news organizations throughout California. This article will be a way for me to communicate with California's many vibrant ethnic groups and help link these communities not only to one another but also to the state's larger civic life. My thanks to New California Media, a nonprofit statewide association of ethnic news outlets, for translating and distributing the articles.

Below is the first of my monthly columns. While I wrote it with California's ethnic communities in mind, its message has meaning for all of us.

The Power of Your One Vote

When I became an American citizen in 1983, it was one of the proudest moments of my life. Following my naturalization ceremony, I was so happy to be a new citizen that I proudly draped the American flag over my shoulders all day.

I was grateful to my new country for all of the opportunities that had been given to me and millions of other immigrants from around the world. The success I have achieved in bodybuilding, motion pictures, and business would not have been possible without the generosity of the American people and the freedom here to pursue your dreams.

America is the land of opportunity, and I feel strongly that as immigrants we must give back to the country that has welcomed us with open arms. That is why I encourage new citizens to register to vote, and cast a ballot in every election.

Throughout our history, men and women have given their lives to protect the very freedoms and democratic institutions that we cherish. Many immigrants have come to America from countries where democracy and personal freedom are only a dream. In such countries, citizens have no say in the affairs of their government.

Here in America, government of, by, and for the people is a liberating experience for new immigrants. When the people become involved in their government, government becomes more accountable, and our society is stronger, more compassionate, and better prepared for the challenges of the future.

By registering to vote, and casting a ballot in this year's election, you will be a powerful force in selecting the leadership of your community, your state, and your nation, and you will help choose the direction we take in the future. I have stood before the people as a candidate for Governor of California, and I know that your one vote is a powerful instrument for good.

Your one vote will determine what we do to ensure our economy is always growing, and that future generations will be given every opportunity to succeed and prosper. Your one vote will guarantee that our children receive the quality education they deserve for a bright future. Your one vote in this uncertain age will strengthen our resolve to protect our communities from violent crime and terrorism.

As an immigrant, I think it is unfortunate that some new Americans who have endured hardships and sacrifices to start a new life for their families do not exercise one of our most important rights-the right to vote. Voting should be treasured by new immigrants-and all citizens - as an act of personal liberty.

On November 2, I urge all citizens to cast a ballot for democracy, and exercise their constitutional right to vote.

• Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
