Issue Position: Strengthen Our Democracy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

A government that is not accountable to the people does not truly represent the people. These reforms are essential to reestablishing a democratic government of the people, by the people and for the people.

-Campaign finance reforms -- the government needs to work for the people, not special-interest groups.
-Political contributions by special-interest groups are undermining democracy. When a politician receives large campaign contributions from these groups, it becomes unclear whether they are representing their constituents or their special-interest contributors. For this reason, I will not accept contributions from special-interest political action committees (PACs). This will ensure those who I am representing that my decisions are based solely on what is best for the 81st District and the State of Michigan, and not on how these decisions might affect contributions from special-interest groups.
-Tough restrictions are needed on PAC contributions. However, the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the Citizens United v. FEC case has all but made it impossible to create these restrictions. Instead, we need to pass laws requiring full disclosure of all political funding sources. If money is used to influence public policy, then the public has a right to know where the money comes from.
-Election Reform -- we need to encourage more voter participation, not suppress it.
-ID Requirements do not stop fraud, they stop legal voters from voting.
-Recent legislation passed in Michigan and other states to tighten ID requirements is not supported by data. It is a solution in search of a problem. Governor Snyder recognized this and vetoed several Republican-passed bills that would discourage people from registering and voting.
-Early voting -- accommodate those who can't make it out on election day.
-Allow "no-reason" absentee voting and advanced voting in-person to allow people to vote whose schedules don't allow them to make it to the polls.
-Consider establishing a weekend day prior to the election to allow for on-site voting on the weekend to help those who can't make it during the week.
-Same day registration.
-This can be an effective way to get people to exercise their Right to Vote, without having to register 30 days in advance of the election. If someone is eligible to vote, they should be able to.
