Issue Position: Abortion and Right to Life

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Abortion

People on both sides of the issue, pro-life and pro-choice, agree that abortion is a tragedy for all lives involved. I hope all Americans will prevent the need for abortion through personal action in local communities -- by preventing unwanted pregnancies through education reforms, job opportunities for parents, and a decrease in red tape for adoptions.

The issue of abortion's legality is reserved to the states. The U.S. Constitution does not authorize Congress or the President to set policy over medical decisions made by doctors and patients. Therefore, I advocate a return of abortion issues to the authority of state and local government.

If such a return is prevented in Washington, D.C. then I will support all measures to ensure that the Federal government is always on the side of life. This will provide the maximum amount of liberty for all people: the mother, father, and newborn.
