Issue Position: Defense

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Defense

Article 1, section 8 of the U.S. Constitution empowers the Congress to spend money generated from taxes for the "common defense" of the Nation. In this context, "common defense" means the defense of the entire Nation.

George Washington said, "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace."

"To be prepared for war," as then General Washington stated, the Nation must have access to adequate funds to produce, train, and maintain a military force.

Our military must be provided the very best equipment, to enable our men and women to carry out their missions to the best of their ability. A strong show of force will in many situations ward off attacks (as General Washington said). James Madison stated, "Weakness will invite insults. The best way to avoid danger is to be in a capacity to withstand it."

We, as a Nation must be willing to provide the necessary funding to ensure a strong military in order to adequately protect the States.

The U.S. Military should not be used as a "World Police." If and when a war is to be fought, a declaration of war must be made by the U.S. Congress.
