Supreme Court Upholds Health Reform!


Date: June 28, 2012

Two years ago, I was proud to make history and follow the leadership of President Obama in finally bringing the promise of affordable healthcare to everyone in our nation. I was proud to help pass the landmark Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In the two interceding years, the law has already stopped the worst abuses by insurance companies: from denying care to people with pre-existing conditions to preventing hard-earned premium dollars from lining the pockets of company executives rather than on care outcomes; the law has made the health system work for Americans.

Today, the Supreme Court affirmed this promise and upheld the law recognizing that the need for healthcare profoundly affects all aspects of our society. Today, the Supreme Court recognized that it cannot leave hardworking families who live paycheck to paycheck at the mercy of a broken health insurance system. We will not go back to the old way; we will not forsake the health and safety of millions upon millions of Americans in the pursuit of partisan politics.

Because of today's decision 2.5 million additional young adults, including 1.3 million minorities, who now have access to care, can continue to receive a measure of economic security. We will continue our country's investment in the 350 new community health centers created by the Affordable Care Act that provide critical health services to more than 50 million Americans in medically underserved areas. We will ensure that we truly bending the cost curve downwards so that trips to the emergency room on the taxpayers' dime are far and few in between.

In the blind rabid partisan push to repeal health care reform, the people who will be affected the most by this decision have won a great victory. I will, as I have done in my twelve years in Congress, continue to fight for them and ensure that they receive the support they need.
