Let's Get Serious About Energy Independence


Date: June 22, 2012

I recently toured the Hollyfrontier refinery and it re-ignited a longstanding discussion about the future of energy resources and energy independence in America.

It's time we get serious about energy security and independence.

Obviously, there is no silver bullet on which we can rely to permanently address our energy needs. Every solution comes with its share of positives and negatives and additional questions, but we need to pursue all available options to ensure our energy demands are met.

The first place we need to look when addressing our current and future needs is in our own backyard. There are trillions of dollars in abundant natural resources throughout the state, including enormous coal reserves in Kane and Garfield counties and dozens of other locations. However, at a time when the rising cost of energy is devastating middle-class families, our leaders in Washington DC are making it more and more difficult to develop energy on public lands. We, the people of Utah, are capable of protecting our land from abuse or exploitation.

I also believe that nuclear, hydro-electric, and solar energy should be included in any cohesive energy plan. I support green energy, but not at the risk of mandating policies or energy production levels that are not economically feasible or decrease our state's own ability to meet our energy needs. Green energy should be an appendage to, not the focus of, our energy strategy.

If I am elected to serve this district in Congress, I will fight against the failed energy policies of the current administration and stop any new legislation that further hurts our country's ability to pursue energy independence.
