Issue Position: What I Will Do

Issue Position

If given the opportunity to serve you in the Utah House of Representatives, it will be for a limited time. I will never forget that I don't have all the answers or the corner on good ideas.

I will give it my all, and serve you with honor. I will work to restore respect to this office.

I will base all decisions on the principles of freedom and liberty as espoused in our inspired U.S. Constitution.

I will exhibit moral courage in my decisions to follow the desires of the people.

I will work to understand the pulse and feelings of families and individuals in District 16 and keep them informed.

I will work to keep taxes low.

I will seek and vote to reduce the size and influence of state government. I will work for greater efficiencies in every aspect of government.

I will work with colleagues of good will on both sides of the aisle to find common ground to our problems, but I will be tough when the need arises.

I will work to help channel the current anger and frustration directed toward the overreach of the federal government in every aspect of our lives into positive action.

Maintaining and enhancing the rights and liberties of Utahns, as enumerated by the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, will guide my thinking and actions.

I will never forget the stirring words and truism of The Declaration of Independence that our rights do not come from government, but rather those rights are God-given and it is the government's role to protect those rights.

I will never forget the stirring words of British Conservative thinker and statesman, Edmund Burke: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing."

I will remember that eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.
