Issue Position: Immigration

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Immigration

The Thompson Plan to fix our illegal immigration problem will SEE us into the future.

*Secure -- We must secure our border. This is the most important thing we can do. If we cannot maintain our border security then we do not know who or what is coming in to our country. With terrorism and the illegal drug trade being a constant threat, porous borders and not a feasible plan. We must increase our presence with more border agents, allow them to do their job, we should build a fence where necessary and utilize resources such as electronic monitoring where possible.

*Expedite -- It is imperative that we allow LEGAL immigrants to have an efficient process to enter the country. Currently people can wait upwards of five years before being able to get in to the country legally while it is easy to skip the line and come here illegally. It is important that we have a good legal guest worker program that works for our farmers, our restaurants and other service industries. This must not apply to those here illegally. The program in place now is cumbersome and sometimes nearly impossible to use effectively.

*Enforce -- In the end we must enforce the laws we have on the books. We are nation that believes in the rule of law and we cannot allow widespread breaking of that law to go unenforced. Individuals who are here illegally must return home!

If we can hit all three points of this plan, Secure, Expedite, and Enforce it is easy to SEE a safe future for our country.
