Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013

Floor Speech

Date: May 31, 2012
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Defense


Mr. CONYERS. I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Chairman and Members, I rise in support of this amendment with my colleagues Mr. Ellison of Minnesota and Ms. Lee of California. Our amendment would require the Director of National Intelligence to submit to the congressional Intelligence Committee within 60 days a report containing an analysis of the potential consequences of a military strike against Iran.

In recent months, the possibility of a preemptive military strike against Iran has been openly discussed as a policy option of last resort as our country and our allies determine how best to confront the challenge posed by Iran's nuclear program. At the same time, the national discussion has prompted a large number of current and former military and intelligence officials to come forward to encourage the Congress and the administration to consider the possible consequences both intended and others that may be unintended of such a strike.

These high-level officials include former United States and Israeli national security officials, including a former Bush administration National Intelligence Council chairman, a former National Intelligence officer for the Near East and South Asia, General Colin Powell's former chief of staff, five retired generals, the former director of the Israeli Mossad, and a former chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces.

All of these experts have raised concerns that an attack on Iran could possibly result in serious harm to the global economy, potentially ignite a regional war and even push Iran into building a nuclear weapon. With consequences as serious as these being raised by outside and former national security experts, it is critical that the expertise and collective wisdom of our intelligence community be added to this debate so that our country's policy options involving war and peace can be rigorously examined by this body.

For these reasons, I encourage my colleagues to support my amendment, and I reserve the balance of my time.

