Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

* Health Insurance Watchdog - As Montana's chief watchdog for the health insurance industry, Monica has forced insurers to pay millions in unpaid claims owed to Montanans. She is committed to promoting transparency, access, and affordability in health insurance.

* Prescription drugs for seniors -- Monica stood up for Montana's most vulnerable citizens by supporting passage of a prescription drug discount program for seniors and the disabled.

* Small business health insurance -- Monica pushed for hard-working Montanans by supporting the creation of tax credits and pooling for small businesses that offer health insurance to their employees.

* CHIP -- Monica supported fully funding the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to care for another 3,000 of Montana's children

* Equitable Medicare Benefits -- Monica successfully sponsored a legislative resolution stating that Congress be requested to bring equitable funding of health care services and benefits to all Medicare recipients, regardless of where they live, to allow citizens in rural states the same health benefits.
