Americans for Prosperity: Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying Pledg


Date: Nov. 19, 2011

Whereas, millions of taxpayer dollars are being used in legislative advocacy; and,

Whereas, taxpayer dollars are used specifically to pay lobbyists and join associations that lobby; and,

Whereas, taxpayers elect officials to represent their interests; and,

Whereas, some lobby and advocacy work focuses on increasing spending and represent taxpayer dollars being used to lobby for more taxpayer dollars;

I support the following prohibition;

No interest group that engages in lobbying or political activity should be subsidized by taxpayer dollars.

Any group testifying before the Legislature or Congress should be required to divulge any local, state, or federal funding they receive, including membership fees and dues.

I support efforts to prohibit public funds from being used to lobby or influence legislation and/or to conduct advocacy.

Therefore, I Lela Pittenger pledge to support a prohibition on public funds being used for lobby or advocacy activities.
