Hahn Highlights Impact of Affordable Care Law

Press Release

Today, Congresswoman Janice Hahn met with people of all ages who have new rights, protections and benefits from the two year-old Affordable Care law. Hahn also announced the results of a new analysis showing hundreds of thousands of people in the 36th Congressional have already benefited from the law.

"The Affordable Care law is helping people of all ages, every day," said Rep. Hahn. "It is easy to forget where we were before the Affordable Care law was passed. Insurance companies held all the cards, denied care, capped benefits and in far too many cases dropped patients from their insurance after they got sick. Today, because of the Affordable Care law, that can't happen. Because of the Affordable Care law young adults can stay on their parents insurance, lifetime caps on health care are gone, children can't be denied coverage for "pre-existing" conditions and seniors are getting help with their prescription drugs."

Congresswoman Hahn met this morning with Armando and Kathy Estrada who, with the help of the Affordable Care law, can keep their 23 year-old son Nick on their health insurance. So too can father Dency Nelson, whose 22 year-old daughter just graduated from UCLA. Rep. Hahn also met Arturo Ybarra, who has a life threatening heart condition, and receives critical help with his prescription drug costs because of the Affordable Care law.

"What I heard today reinforces why I'm in public service - to make people's lives better," said Rep. Hahn. "There are thousands of children in Southern California suffering from asthma, especially in Wilmington, who two years ago would have been denied health coverage for their "pre-existing" condition. We can't lose sight of what this means for children and their families."

A new analysis released just last week show that the new health care law has already provided:

Protection for 450,000 individuals in the 36th congressional district from arbitrarily being dropped from coverage if they get sick. The new health care law prohibits insurers from arbitrarily rescinding an individual's coverage because they become ill. Because of this provision, 450,000 individuals in my congressional district are now protected from these rescissions.

Elimination of the lifetime limits on their health care coverage for 260,000 individuals in the 36th congressional district. The new health care law prohibits insurers from placing a lifetime limit on coverage. It is estimated that 260,000 individuals in my congressional district had lifetime limits on their coverage before health reform, and now no longer do. In the past, in some cases, lifetime limits on coverage have forced some families to declare personal bankruptcy.

Coverage for 5,300 additional young adults in the 36th congressional district. The new health care law requires health insurers to permit parents to retain coverage for their children until their 26th birthday. Because of this provision, 5,300 young adults in my congressional district have already gained health care coverage.

Lower drug costs for 7,200 seniors in the 36th congressional district. The new health care law provides a 50 percent discount for brand-name drugs for seniors in the Medicare Part D "donut hole' coverage gap. Because of this provision, 7,200 seniors in my congressional district have already received prescription drug discounts worth $4.1 million, an average discount of $560 per senior.

Free key preventive services for 52,000 seniors in the 36th congressional district. The new health care law provides free Medicare coverage of key preventive services, such as mammograms, colonoscopies, and annual wellness visits. Because of this provision, 52,000 seniors in my congressional district have already received free preventive services, lowering their health care costs.

Free key preventive services for 120,000 individuals under age 65 in the 36th congressional district. The new health care law also provides, for those enrolled in new private plans, free coverage of key preventive services. Because of this provision, 120,000 individuals under age 65 in my congressional district have already received free preventive services, such as mammograms and check-ups.

Protection for up to 28,000 children with pre-existing conditions in the 36th congressional district. The new health care law prohibits insurers from denying coverage to children for having a "pre-existing" condition. Because of this provision, up to 28,000 children with pre-existing conditions in my congressional district are now protected against insurer denials.

"Because of the Affordable Care law, health care in this country is getting better and costs are going down," said Hahn. "In the coming years, with the addition of marketplaces that will make insurance companies compete for your business and subsidies for American families to buy insurance, Americans will see their premiums fall and tens of millions of Americans will be able to purchase health care insurance."
