Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2013

Floor Speech

Date: March 29, 2012
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. ISRAEL. I thank the distinguished gentleman and my friend from Maryland.

Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of the Democratic substitute because the House Republican budget harms middle class families throughout our country.

Mr. Chairman, under the House Republican budget, Medicare is turned from a guaranteed benefit program into a bait-and-switch scheme where millionaires get more and seniors have to pay more.

Under the House Republican budget, if you're a millionaire, you get an additional $394,000 tax cut. If you're an oil company, you get a bigger tax break. If you're a company that outsources jobs, you get a deeper tax break. But if you're a senior, you get as much as a $6,000 increase in your medical costs. You get a bill from the Federal Government for your additional Medicare costs. If you're the child of a middle class family trying to go to college, you get an additional $2,800 tuition increase.

The middle class has always been the backbone of the American economy, Mr. Chairman, and the House Republican budget kicks the middle class in the stomach.

The Democratic budget invests in education; the House Republican budget divests from education. The Democratic budget invests in our children; the Republican budget divests from our children. The Democratic budget invests in America's future; the House Republican budget divests from America's future.

And that is why we should pass this Democratic substitute, which invests and grows and strengthens the middle class, and quit investing in and growing and strengthening tax cuts for Big Oil companies and corporations that offshore our jobs.

