Issue Position: Self-Government

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Individuals and families should be left with, as much as possible, the sovereignty they inherently possess for the general welfare of Montana. To protect life, liberty, and property is the purpose of government and Montana's constitution.

The American dream became a reality based upon the concept of self-government, also known as self-responsibility. Alexander Hamilton describes it this way in Federalist Paper 28: "the people without exaggeration, may be said to be entirely the masters of their own fate." This American ideology is opposite to the philosophy advocated by Georg Hegel (grandfather of Communism) who posed that people's fates are to be mastered--by government.

Individuals and families should be left with as much sovereignty and authority as they should retain in a state of society. Government should never bring an improper burden upon its citizens. And as few laws as possible should be passed and executed to reduce the ills of ever-burgeoning governments and not to violate America's foundational ground of self-government.

As governor, I will:

promote legislation that puts the necessary power into the hands of Montanans to create their own destiny and to live the American dream of liberty and prosperity.

promote legislation that allows individuals, families, and businesses to make their own decisions--to reap the rewards of their own labor and take the risks of their own choices.

promote legislation that holds government to its constitutional, limited purpose and function.

oppose legislation that unnecessarily interferes with Montanan's inalienable rights as set forth in our constitution.

oppose legislation that needlessly increases the size and scope of government.
