Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2013

Floor Speech

Date: March 28, 2012
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. CONYERS. I thank my friend from Maryland.

Ladies and gentlemen of the House, perhaps my colleagues on the other side, my conservative friends, either don't realize what they're doing in this budget or they're trying to make sure that nobody else knows what they're doing in this budget because this budget ends the Medicare guarantees and shifts the costs to seniors. Now, this is a simple statement of fact that it either does or it doesn't.

Number two: Those making over $1 million a year in this country will reap an average tax cut of $394,000, while it preserves tax breaks for Big Oil. True or false? It either does or it doesn't.

Number three: It destroys over 4 million American jobs in the next couple of years. True or false? Well, the Economic Policy Institute tells us that it's true.

The last point I would like to get a true or false response from: It raises Medicare eligibility from the age of 65 to 67. True or false?

I would yield to anybody on the other side who would like to elucidate, or clarify, any of the statements that I have made. I hear no response.

