It's Time to Accelerate our Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Floor Speech

Date: March 19, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. MORAN. Madam Speaker, the time to accelerate our withdrawal from Afghanistan has arrived. Afghanistan has very little to do with the security of most Americans. Osama bin Laden is dead, and al Qaeda is decimated. In fact, there may be 50, at the most, al Qaeda between Afghanistan and Pakistan. There are more in other parts of the world. But the reality is that the Afghans don't want people from Saudi Arabia or Egypt or Yemen or wherever telling them what to do. But neither do they want Americans telling them how to live their lives.

But while our security is not threatened, we owe a responsibility to our brave young men and women in uniform because their security is threatened, largely through reasons that were wholly out of their control. They're waging a valiant fight to do what we have asked them to do, but we have a responsibility to make sure that no lives are lost in vain. It's time to accelerate our withdrawal from Afghanistan.
