Statement on Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act


Today, U.S. Representative Diane Black (R-TN), released the following statement on House passage of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act:

"Today, the House held the line on multiple areas while forcing the issue of jobs to the forefront. We helped our economy in the best way Washington can: we got Washington out of the way by lifting the EPA's job-crushing boiler MACT regulation and preventing further delay of the job creating, energy rich Keystone XL pipeline. Most importantly, we did not raise taxes on middle class American families, we substantially reformed unemployment insurance in order to get people back to work, and we took steps to help small businesses grow in the stagnant Obama economy.

"However, we cannot lose sight of the end goal. Congress must work to make Social Security stronger and sustainable, instead of seeking short-term gratification at the expense of the program. We need to permanently fix Medicare reimbursement rates for doctors and not at the continued expense of our rural providers. And this Congress needs to be about the real, lasting solutions that will get our economy and our country back on track.

"Facts are stubborn things, and right now the real unemployment rate in this country would be 11% if people had not simply stopped looking for work. The past three years have seen unprecedented government expansion under the guise of job creation, and yet Americans today are still struggling. Those of us who came to Washington to change this government and make it smaller and more accountable need willing partners in the Senate and the White House to get the job fully done. Until then I and my colleagues will continue to fight for the conservative policy solutions that secure the future for our children and grandchildren."
