Rich Hails 405-16 Passage of Small Business Legislation


Date: Oct. 27, 2011

"Regardless of party, every single person in Congress wants to see Americans thriving again. And while there is considerable disagreement about the best way forward, there are things that we agree on. Repealing what the IRS calls the 'three percent withholding rule' is one such proposal.

'The support for this legislation was overwhelming and it passed by a vote of 405-16. I hope that's a clear sign to folks on both sides of what can be accomplished when we focus on the common ground and not the things that divide us.

"The three percent withholding rule is a lose-lose and it keeps precious small business capital tied up in needless red tape. We've lowered unnecessary costs and barriers to entry for those small businesses and that can only be a good thing for the people we're relying on to create jobs.

"My only fear is that despite the overwhelming support from House Democrats and House Republicans, this bill will end up like so many bipartisan proposals we've already sent to the Senate this year -- tied up and on the shelf. The ball is once again in Harry Reid's court."
