Congressman Canseco's Statement on the September Jobs Report


Date: Oct. 7, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Francisco "Quico" Canseco, a former small businessman and a member of the House Financial Services Committee, issued the following statement in reaction to today's job report released by the Department of Labor for the month of September:

"This morning we received the news that the economy added 103,000 jobs in September. While job growth is better than job losses, this level of job growth is simply not going to get our economy turned around. This level of job growth means the economy is doing the economic equivalent of treading water in the middle of the ocean. When you tread water in the middle of the ocean long enough, eventually you tire and slip under. If we don't act to get our economy turned around and robustly creating jobs, the economy may slip under the water and back into recession. Earlier this week, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the economy was "close to faltering,' and a recent Bloomberg news story reported that announced firings are up a staggering 212% over a year ago, and is the largest increase since January 2009," said Congressman Canseco.

"Our economy is in its current shape not because of a lack of government -- as President Obama would have you believe -- but because of too much government. Washington policies of the past 2 years, such as out-of-control federal spending, hundreds of new regulations and government mandates, and a constant threat of ever higher taxes have taken their toll on job creators. These policies have left job creators uncertain about the economy and with a lack of confidence in their ability to be successful -- causing them to choose to not invest in expanding businesses and creating jobs. Only by passing legislation removing the sources of uncertainty, as the House of Representatives has done and will continue to do, will we get our economy turned around and creating jobs. Unfortunately, bill after bill that has been passed by the House has been ignored by Senator Harry Reid and the United States Senate. While bills that would allow the private sector to begin creating jobs continue piling up on the doorstep of the United States Senate, 14 million Americans are without a job and unemployment continues to hover above 8 percent - as it has done for 32 straight months, which is the worst streak since the Great Depression.

After visiting with job creators throughout the 23rd District of Texas, I did not hear anyone asking for President Obama's proposed solution of more Washington spending and higher taxes. In fact, his solution would be the equivalent of throwing a bowling ball to help someone who is drowning. What I heard is that Washington needs to get out of the way so that private sector job creators can expand their businesses and put American back to work," concluded Congressman Canseco.
