Talk To Buddy: Broken Food System


Question: Jane, Orlando
What do you plan to do about a broken food system in this country that subsidizes unhealthy crops, allows GMO's, attacks the supplement and raw dairy industries, allows the use of toxic ingredients that have been banned in other countries, over uses antibiotics and growth hormones in the meat industry, attacks small local farmers who won't use GMO seeds, and essentially turns a blind eye to what is happening in the food industry? This is the real cause of the obesity epidemic and health crisis.

Buddy's Answer:
Jane, Tough and great questions. There is no one simple answer to the problem of obesity. Ignorance is a factor. I am firmly committed to placing a "nutrition" course in the high-school graduation requirement. It will take time, effort, and allied cooperation, but it is obtainable. I will lead Congress to change the nutrition content and requirement of all Federal food programs including food stamps, public schools, federal employee cafeterias, Federal prisons, and United States military operations. We are pathetic in our current approach. I am particularly concerned with the sloppy (and often inaccurate) labeling of products containing Genetically Modified ingredients. While we research the effects of GM content, we MUST inform the eating public. Finally, none of this gets done if the political system remains paid for by the huge corporations who get everything they want with NO accountability for the public's well being. It is why I refuse their money. I accept a maximum of $100 in contributions from any one person and take no PAC money. I will be Free to Lead as President and this will be one of my issues. Help me spread the word!! Thanks for your interest.

Buddy Roemer
