Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2005

Date: Sept. 14, 2004
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BROWNBACK. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered.

Mr. BROWNBACK. Mr. President, I wish to speak briefly in favor of the Baucus amendment because of the situation in my home State. Parts of my State have had the worst drought in a century. It is being compared by some veteran farmers to what they witnessed in the Dust Bowl era-crops withering and dying in the fields before the farmers' eyes without any ability to address it.

I grew up on a farm. My family still farms. I was secretary of agriculture in Kansas. I have seen these situations.

The one point I want to add-I think people pretty well understand these issues-what I want to address is that in some disaster relief-and we seem to be in a cycle because we have disasters hitting every year, but it is a compassionate society that tries to help those in the worst situation. But more than that, they do not win if they get hit by a disaster and then we do disaster drought assistance. I have not seen people come out ahead.

What we try to do is get them back toward zero so they do not lose too much money, so they can continue to farm and continue to operate their ranch and work their crops. That is what we are trying to do, to help people sustain themselves and not have to go out of business altogether. They are not hitting the jackpot when we pass these types of bills. They are simply trying to sustain themselves in their operations-a commodity-based business. Margins are thin, and it is difficult to make it. So we try to help them.

Crop insurance is helpful, it is important, but despite its critical value to farmers, it cannot mitigate effects of prolonged drought and its impact in the area. And the weather condition has been building for several years. Fortunately, in areas of my State this has broken. Not all areas.

I was at the State fair this past weekend and people continue to cite the problem they are having with the drought and this continuing cycle of lack of rainfall.

I support the Baucus amendment. I appreciate him raising it.

It is difficult because we are in a budget situation where we all want to get this budget more under control. Yet I do not think that is the place to do it in a situation where we have people suffering because of natural disasters or natural causes. So I am pleased that the amendment has been brought up. I am a cosponsor and am pleased to support it.

I yield the floor.
