The Ball is in the Senate's Court

Floor Speech

Date: July 30, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, I'm grateful. I hustled over here this morning because I heard there was a question about what kind of options have we provided for the United States Senate and what can we do to get America out of this crisis, and I know the answer.

We've got lots of choices on their desk, Mr. Speaker, and if you talk to them, I hope you'll recommend these. Just look on the desk in front of them; they've got three good choices. You want a long-term solution to this challenge? Ten years. Look at the House budget plan we sent to the Senate in April--10 years we can solve this crisis, 10 years out into the future, cut $6 trillion out of the budget, put America on a track towards fiscal responsibility.

Is 10 years too long? Mr. Speaker, last week we passed Cut, Cap, and Balance, an 18-month solution to this problem, 18-month solution, cuts spending, caps spending, balances the budget.

Is 2 years too long? Look at what we sent over last night, Mr. Speaker, 6 months. Six months. It also cuts; it also caps; it also balances. A 6-month extension on the debt ceiling.

Mr. Speaker, when you talk to the Senate, please tell them: 6 months, 2 years, 10 years. The House has acted on all of those. They sit in the Senate awaiting on action.
