Blog: Nevada GOP are Girlymen who are Afraid of Competition.


Date: July 5, 2011
Location: Reno, NV

"Girlymen" is a quote that former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger once used to describe his opponents in the legislature. The Nevada GOP fits that very description as they succeeded in minimizing competition on the ballot. We live in a corporatocracy where the ruling elite put LIMITS on what ideas get to be debated. Instead, we can have divisive distracting debates over abortion and gay marriage instead of the Wall Street criminals who have raped, pillaged, and plundered our country. They should be tried for economic TREASON!

To the Nevada Voters out there:
Please vote for anyone EXCEPT the Republican nominee for this election. The leadership of the Nevada GOP thinks you should not have choices. They think they know what is best for you. First, they excluded 80% of their own candidates from a debate, and also would not even allow the excluded candidates to even address their central committee meeting either. In addition, they charged admission for their farce of a "debate" and to watch the proceedings of their central committee meeting. Money matters more than people do.

The mentality to their own members is "Shut up, write us a check, and vote for who we tell you to. When we want your opinion we will give it to you!"

If you want to send the Nevada GOP a loud message that their actions are not acceptable, then you must vote for anyone except their hand picked candidate.

If you want someone very conservative, vote for American Independent Tim Fasano.
If you want a middle of the road independent, vote for Helmuth Lehmann.If you want a Democrat, vote for Kate Marshall.

But whatever you do, do NOT vote for the Republican listed on the ballot. They need to learn the hard way, that there are severe consequences for exclusion of candidates and limitations of ideas to be debated.
