Spartanburg Herald-Journal - Huntsman Keeps Message Upbeat, Gains Support

News Article

Former Utah governor and U.S. ambassador to China Jon Huntsman made his first pitch to the Upstate's voters and political activists Monday night, delivering an upbeat speech rich in general policy ideas but thin on references to the man he's running against, President Barack Obama.

The 51-year-old Republican presidential candidate, joined by wife Mary Kaye and several of their children, told the crowd of about 200 gathered for a $20-a-head GOP fundraiser at Mutt's BBQ restaurant that his record as governor reflects a candidate who is pro-life, pro-second amendment and pro-business.

Huntsman called for a "new industrial revolution," a balanced budget amendment, energy independence and an end to unnecessary "foreign entanglements."

He offered vigorous support for U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan, which would convert Medicare to a voucher system.
