Five Traps That Trick Americans Into Accepting Socialized Medicine


Date: June 15, 2009

By Herman Cain

There is no serious debate in Washington about health care, as Democrats make another attempt to confiscate control of our entire health care system. It's a war of words even among Democrats, as each faction tries to fashion its own idea of how best to get the sheeple on the road to health care rationing.

That's right. All proposals the Democrats are considering lead to the same dead end -- socialized medicine and then health care rationing. All of this is in the name of providing health insurance for a conveniently misleading number of 50 million uninsured.

Although the Republicans are offering alternatives, once again they are being ignored by the Democratic leadership and the mainstream media. Democrats are also ignoring the pitfalls of government-run health care experienced in other countries.

When the intelligent thinkers sift through the health care hot air they find five traps that are being used to entice the American sheeple onto the road to rationing. Many of us are aware of these traps, because we remember the last time the Democrats tried to take control of the entire health care system 15 years ago.

Mandate health insurance coverage. This is how the Social Security system got started in 1935. The deductions from people's paychecks and from their employers were mandated, because everyone deserved some assistance in their golden years, and everyone had to participate in order for it to work.

There were a few small problems along the way. Congress changed the rules, increased the amount of the deductions and started using the money for other purposes. And by the way, if your future Social Security benefits are your only means of "retiring", your lifestyle will suffer dramatically.

A government mandate is also how Medicare got started in 1965. Look how well it's not working. Like Social Security, the problems are being ignored.

Government health insurance will be an option. Representative Tom Price of Georgia described this trap the best. It's like competing against a team that made the rules, and they can change the rules whenever they want to in order to give themselves a better advantage. Eventually, there will only be one option, and even the sheeple can figure that out.

Private health benefits will be taxed. This is the class warfare trap. People who have health insurance benefits being partially paid by their employer should be punished for being so lucky. We must all share in the same mediocre benefits controlled by Big Brother.

It's free! This is the biggest and easiest trap for people who love more government programs and higher taxes, because they will most likely be on the receiving end after Uncle Sam takes more money from those greedy rich people. When the Democrats spend more time talking about how to pay for "it" -- when we do not even know what "it" is -- we are screwed.

It's now or never! The fast-track timetable that the president wants will have the same consequences as the hurry-up-and-pass-it-now $787 billion "stimulus" spending bill. Namely, no one will have time to read it and know what's in it, so the administration can make the rules up as they go.

An alternative title for this article could have been "Five ways to make health care in America worse," because each one of these traps will create another problem that will lead to another bad solution by Congress and the president, only to be ignored into the distant future.

For Social Security and Medicare, the distant future is already here.
