Time for Action Not Childish Name Calling


Date: April 5, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

Senator John Ensign, a member of the Senate Budget Committee, today weighed in on the spiraling budget show down gripping the government.

"I think I speak for most people across our country when I say that now is not the time for name calling and an irresponsible unwillingness to negotiate on spending cuts," said Ensign. "President Obama mentioned today that Congress needs to "act like grown ups' and not "put off something that should have been done several months ago'. The reality is that the leadership that President Obama attempted to show today should have been done months ago, and the balancing of the federal budget should have been done years ago; unfortunately, neither happened which is why we are in the situation that we are today.

"The spending cut proposals that the Republicans have been offering up again and again are not filled with empty rhetoric nor are they filled with the empty promises of fiscal responsibility. These proposals are real solutions to the very real problems that we are facing as a country. I have said this before, Republicans have been at the table waiting to negotiate on the budget, but we have been sitting there without members from the other side of the aisle. We have been willing to engage in conversation, but we cannot continue to have a conversation with ourselves when the future of our country is on the line."
