Government Shutdown Prevention Act of 2011

Floor Speech

Date: April 1, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. NUNNELEE. I thank the gentleman.

Madam Speaker, I rise in support of this bill as a cosponsor.

It has been over 40 days, and the Democratic leadership in the Senate has failed to act on a spending plan. If our government shuts down, our troops won't get paid. Now, they will still be serving this great Nation, but without pay. We need to ensure there are no political burdens that affect our troops while they are at war. As the Department of Defense has indicated, a funding lapse does impact their military's operational readiness.

The American people cannot wait; Congress cannot wait while the Democrats in the Senate continue to play politics. We have given them ample time to put forth a reasonable plan, yet the majority leader in the Senate is not serious about spending reform.

While the Democrats have been cheering for a government shutdown, Republicans have passed the largest spending cut in American history, and our actions are having results. Just this morning it was announced that the unemployment rate is at a 2-year low. Americans are going back to work because of our efforts.

Meanwhile, what has happened this week? The Senate Democrats have spent the week diverting attention, trying to figure out how to spin to reporters. And today, while the shutdown is imminent, they have gone home.

The cuts that the American people want are not extreme. They are necessary. When we are borrowing 42 cents out of every dollar, when our children and grandchildren's future is in jeopardy, these cuts are far from extreme. It is time for the Senate to act. Our goal is to cut spending, not to shut down the government.

Back in Mississippi we have a saying: Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Mr. Reid, today you are in the way. So I challenge you today to lead by passing a plan of your own, to follow by adopting the plan that we have already passed. But if you can't do either of those, get out of the way and allow the Senate to act.

