Congratulating Senator Coats

Floor Speech

Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, not often in life does someone get a second opportunity to make a good first impression. The Senator from Indiana has had a chance to make two maiden speeches in the Senate. I confess I was not there for the first one, but I am pleased to have been here for the second, and I want to commend him for his extraordinary speech, particularly his emphasis on the importance of the President of the United States leading on the issue of entitlement reform.

We all know that under the Constitution only the President's signature can make a law. I think what the Senator from Indiana has pointed out, and many others have pointed out, is that on the issue of entitlement reform--the over $50 trillion of unfunded liabilities we have lying out there ahead of us; promises we have made we cannot keep--this cannot be done without Presidential leadership and a Presidential signature. I thank the Senator from Indiana for reminding us all of that. We all still hope the President will step up and help us meet this enormous challenge. I commend the Senator from Indiana for a wonderful first impression.
