The Spirit of Detroit

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 8, 2011
Location: Washington, DC

(Mr. CLARKE of Michigan asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. CLARKE of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, a couple of days ago, during the Super Bowl, a TV ad was aired that highlighted the grit and spirited ingenuity of Metro Detroiters, which gives us the ability to make some of the greatest cars in the world.

Well, that spirit of Detroit is rooted in our American values of life, of liberty, of the pursuit of happiness; and it is that spirit that transformed Detroit in World War II into the arsenal of democracy that saved this country--that saved this world--from the threat of fascism.

Mr. Speaker, I believe today that that same spirit of Detroit will help build the new cars that will be powered by electricity; will help build new homes and offices which will be heated by the Sun; and will help manufacture the best products in the world.

You see, when you make it in Detroit, you help make it in America.
