Issue Position: transportation and Infrastructure

Issue Position

With New Mexico's extensive lands and great distances between towns and cities comes the need for a robust system of highways, roads and bridges, rail, and airports. In addition to connecting us with friends and family across the state and country, a modern, safe transportation system provides the groundwork for economic development and job creation in our communities.

In order to best deliver for the transportation needs of New Mexico's Second Congressional District, Harry was fortunate enough to obtain a spot on the influential House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. From that post, he will be able to influence the transportation policy needs of Southern New Mexico and help Southern New Mexico communities identify and secure the resources they need to develop infrastructure for economic growth.

Just recently, Harry supported the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which President Obama signed into law. The legislation includes $281 million to New Mexico in highway and transit money, including $169 million to be distributed by the state, $76 million to be sub-allocated by population, $15.5 million specifically for urban areas, and $12.2 million specifically for rural areas. The bill will create thousands of jobs in New Mexico and provide for the future economic expansion of Southern New Mexico.
