Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Issues: Education

In an increasingly global world, educating our children is more important than ever. America will continue to lead the world in innovation and ideas if our children are given the best resources to be the most educated -- from early childhood through graduate school. As a parent of four, I know firsthand about both the challenges and rewards of educating our children.

We need an education system that rewards accountability, achievement and results. We also need to ensure our education system adapts to the changing world in which we live. Our focus should be on science, technology, engineering and math -- areas in which emerging nations like India and China continue to focus. We also need to make higher education affordable and accessible to those who want to pursue a college degree.

I strongly support local control of education decisions. Our local school boards, superintendents, teachers and parents - not bureaucrats in Washington - know how to best educate our students. I also support placing a greater focus on teacher quality and effectiveness to improve student achievement.
