Issue Position: Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Environment

As a farmer, Jimmy knows how important the environment is to the land and water--and ultimately the people. Jimmy has always voted against the big companies who want to use our state as a dumping ground for nuclear waste. He wants our children to have safe places to play, not hazardous dumps. Jimmy is Chairman of the Catawba-Wateree Legislative Committee which works to protect downstream water rights for SC. As a result of this committee's work, Attorney Henry McMaster has filed action against NC and the case is presently pending before the United States Supreme Court. To recognize his concern for the environment, Rep. Bales sponsored a concurrent resolution to designate February 6, 2008, as International Paper Day to honor International Paper and its 2,211 employees and 11 facilities in the state of SC for their protection of forestlands through conservation land donations, sales, and easements, and for their exceptional commitment to improving the environment for all of South Carolina.
