Town Hall: Star Parker Commits to Bringing Jobs to District 37

Press Release

Date: Oct. 6, 2010

At a Town Hall in Long Beach, with over 200 people in attendance, congressional candidate Star Parker once again brought excitement to a district that has long since given up hope for real change.

With unemployment over 13% in the city, and as high as 22% in the district; with the latest economic numbers pointing toward more gloom; with its public schools near the bottom in the nation, Ms. Parker committed herself to bringing jobs -- real private sector jobs, competition for failing public schools, and fighting for a military second to none.

"My opponent has done absolutely nothing to bring jobs to this district. She goes along with every tax increase that politicians continue to push on the good people of this district," Parker declared.

"I will not be beholden to the special interest groups that have so infected the democratic process in Washington, and I commit to you that once in Washington I will learn as much as quickly as I can to break through the gridlock that affects all of you here at home. I need your help and ask that you spread the word for me by reaching your families, friends and neighbors with my message of new ideas for our country."

Parker received numerous standing ovations both during her remarks as well as during the Q & A period.
