Fifteen Ways Your Vote Matters #4: Tax Policy

Press Release

Date: Sept. 16, 2010


Though many people no longer remember the origin, it was Ben Franklin who originally said that nothing in this life was certain except death and taxes. We may not be able to do much about the former, but the latter should be of particular interest to you as we approach the 2010 elections.

Citizens here in the Empire State are no stranger to these stories. Forbes Magazine consistently rates New York as one of the highest taxed states in the nation. And what do they get in exchange for their generous contributions? Both Albany and Washington teeter on the brink of financial disaster.

The current Democratic majority will be quick to tell you that they passed a tax cut shortly after the President was sworn into office. What they don't mention are the billions of dollars in new taxes and fees they continue to push through buried in items such as the health care bill, described by the Wall Street Journal as, "the largest cumulative tax hike in the history of the nation."

It's no wonder that Americans for Tax Reform consistently give my opponent, career politician and Democrat Maurice Hinchey a score of zero when it comes to cutting taxes.

Coming up next on their agenda are new energy taxes in their "cap and trade" scheme. And many Democrats are still pushing to allow many of the Bush era tax cuts to expire. These so called "tax cuts for the rich" actually go to benefit the vast majority of small business owners in America who do most of the hiring.

Serious students of history know that traditionally when taxes are lowered, government revenues increase and more jobs are created. This is a lesson I remember well and when I go to Washington I will be fighting on your side to cut taxes, not raise them, and to bring that money back home to New York where it will create the jobs we need.

We are pushing forward on the path to victory this November, but I still need your help to finish the job. Please consider pitching in to help us during the crucial closing days of this election.

And if you can volunteer some of your time, particularly during the vital final eleven days, together we will remind Washington that those tax dollars are yours, not theirs, and they should collect and spend them accordingly.
