Issue Position: Energy & the Environment

Issue Position

It is not in the interest of our economy or national security to continue to send money overseas for foreign oil. Our nation needs a combination of expanded domestic drilling, nuclear power and alternative forms of clean energy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and put our economy back on track.

America needs an energy policy that will no longer leave our families and seniors hurt by soaring oil prices. Congress must work in a commonsense, bipartisan way to adopt a real energy plan.

Offshore Drilling
We can expand domestic drilling without exposing New Jersey's shore to an oil spill. By expanding domestic drilling to areas where we are already drilling and we know large oil reserves exist, we can help reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Alternative forms of energy, including nuclear power, are also ways to keep the price of oil down and create new jobs. An oil spill off the coast of New Jersey would be an environmental and economic disaster.

We need more accountability from oil companies and the way our government grants oil leases. The federal government allowed Big Oil to police itself while taking in huge profits. It is outrageous that we could allow fishermen and tourism-based small businesses to suffer for BP's negligence. Middle-class families, seniors and small businesses play by the rules and they deserve a process which forces oil companies to do the same.

Clean Energy
We need to promote science, mathematics and engineering education to produce new ideas for clean energy. Finding and using new forms of clean energy creates American jobs and reduces our dependence on foreign oil. It is in the best interest of America's economic and national security to promote clean energy.

America is abundant with clean natural gas. As a sponsor of the NAT GAS Act, the Congressman is working to get the private sector interested in vehicles that run on domestic natural gas.

The Third District includes the Jersey Shore, the Pine Barrens and Barnegat Bay. It is critical to protect and conserve the natural resources in South Jersey and the Shore area.

Congressman Adler worked with members of the community and scientists to draft a bill to help Barnegat Bay. His bill will help fix the stormwater basins that stop pollutants from entering Barnegat Bay. He also authored an amendment which will help clean Barnegat Bay by developing technologies and practices to improve the water quality of the bay.

The Congressman will continue to work to conserve the pristine Pine Barrens, our coastline and other American treasures. These areas are a large part of our economy and a way of life in South Jersey and at the Shore.
